About us

The Grateful Undead is a non-profit (501c3) organization based in the Sacopee Valley of southwestern Maine.

In 2011 we began to gather  to help one another and our community as we age.  When we surveyed our community we found that most people our ages wanted to stay in their own homes, that is, to “age in place.” Our first project was the Transporters, a group of volunteer drivers that bring community members to their medical appointments. We’ve since grown to offer the range of programs you see on this website…and we continue to expand and grow!

We are an AARP Age Friendly Community, and collaborate with many local organizations to offer our programs: Town select boards, the Sacopee Valley Health Center and SMAA (Southern Maine Agency on Aging), among others.

Members of the Grateful Undead meet monthly by zoom to discuss these programs and activities and to plan new ones; we have an extensive email list.  We always welcome new members and volunteers!

Talk to us

Have any questions?

Want to volunteer, make a donation,

or become a member?

We’d love to talk with you!